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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Portland Lens Test 2011

On December 10, 2011 Indent Studios organized a lens test that was very eye opening and educational for all that attended. I feel fortunate that I could partake in making it a successful event. :) With the release of "affordable" cameras like the Epic-X, Scarlet, C300, and F3 (among many others) everyone is wondering what "affordable" lens package they should invest in, or rent for their camera. Indent Studios organized this event to use 3 Epic-X's to shoot with 7 sets of lenses and find out the answer. After handling the lenses, and reviewing the footage we all came across some surprising results.

Check out the footage for yourself and download the R3Ds after the jump...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Asking The Right Questions

Over the last month or so I have been asked at least once a week the following question: "If money wasn't an issue, what camera would you shoot with?". While I get that the people asking this question are trying to determine what I think the best camera is on the market currently, I think that this question is fundamentally the wrong question to be asking. What is the "right" question after the jump ...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Modern Family Show Reel

Produced by Ryan E. Walters, this is a small collection of clips from the Modern Family collection of stock footage. The complete collection can be viewed here: Modern Family.

Ryan E. Walters brings a cinematic taste and aesthetic to his stock footage collection. You can check out his entire offering of footage here: Ryan's Stock Footage.

List of gear after the jump.