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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How To Succeed As A Freelancer

© 2009 Ryan E. Walters - Stock Footage
So you have decided to quit your day job and venture into the exciting world of freelance work, where you get every day off, you set your own hours, and life is always enjoyable. At least that is how it feels as you sit behind your desk finishing out the remainder of your two week notice. It is true, there are many perks of living life in the freelance world. However, it is not for the faint of heart, as it brings with it a whole new set of struggles. In what follows, I'm going to to give you seven tips on how to succeed in the world of freelance, so that those struggles will be fewer and easier to bear.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How To Choose A Slider. Or Which One Is Right For Me?

It seems like these days everyone and their grandmother is making a slider. And with the deluge of options on the market, it can be tough trying to figure out which is the right one to buy for your setup. I'm going to take a look at three different systems, and address their issues in an effort to better help you navigate your purchase or rental decisions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Training You Need To Get Ahead

As a visual artist, the most important asset you have is your vision. It is what sets you apart in this challenging marketplace. However, that vision is of no value if you do not have the skills to implement it. To stay on top of your game, you need to invest in yourself through education. Last week I talked about benefits and drawbacks of film school; this week I am sharing my extensive list of training resources (both paid & free) that will enable you to develop the skills you need to implement your vision.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Should I Go To Film School?

With the rise of popularity and accessibility of film schools since the 1960's & 1970's, aspiring film professionals have has the difficult task of choosing where to begin their career path. Is it best to go to school to get formal training, or jump right in and start working? Today with the plethora of free online resources, it makes the the choice of formal schooling less appealing. But what is the right choice, and best way to prepare yourself for a career in the film industry? Let's take a look at what you have to gain, and what you have to loose by following either path...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dear Camera Manufacturers (An Open Letter For The New Year)

Over the last several years I have noticed a disturbing trend among camera manufacturers that seems to be influencing more companies, and setting a standard for how cameras are designed and released to the market. And it is not in a positive direction. As we begin this year with a clean slate, I want to see this trend reversed. So camera manufacturers, here is my letter to you, from an avid user of your products, and constant contributor to your bottom line...