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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A New Way Forward For Creatives

A New Way Forward For Creatives ...

Over the last 5-10 years, our industry (film) has undergone a massive change. The tools are cheaper than ever, their quality continues to rise, and it is easier than ever to deliver content directly to specific audiences. On the one hand this makes for an exciting time, as we creatives are no longer beholden to the "big studios" telling us what we can and cannot produce. We have the tools, and we can create!

On the other hand, as I have noted before, this has also resulted in the death of the specialist, and the further abuse of our fellow technicians in our industry. And while I still maintain that it is bad business to be a cinematographer, I am seeing market trends and a societal shifts that are opening up new doors for creatives to not only succeed, but to thrive in this new world.

There is an exciting way forward for those of us who are willing to jump out and take a risk. All it requires is that we abandon our "traditional" thinking and approach.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How To Get Better Delivery From Non-Actors For Under $200

Sorry, no assistant today- enjoy my ugly mug! ;-)

If you're like me, you've done a lot of interviews with non-actors who need to look straight into the camera, and you know how intimidating that can be for the "talent." As soon as the camera turns on, they clam up and turn into robots- their great personality quickly disappears. The solution to getting the performance you need, while still having them look straight into camera, is to have them look at someone's face instead.

By looking at another person's face that is responding to their answers you get a more natural response, and a more engaged interview. It is much more comforting for someone who has never been on camera to look at another face, instead of having to stare down that intimidating camera lens...

If you've done much research on gear that allows this to happen, then you've probably stumbled upon the Eye-Direct System. I've used this exact system on a number of shoots across the country. However, at $1,400, it is relegated to the classification of speciality gear that most will rent. But what if you could use tools you already have, and spend less than $200 to create something similar? Well, you are in luck, as I'll show you how I did just that.